Cookie policy

On this page you will find more details on what cookies are and how they are used on the FOOTBALLNEWS.SCOT Site.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that can be placed on your device. It’s sent to your web browser and stored on your computer’s hard drive or in the memory of your mobile device. When you visit our sites or apps it can allow us to remember and recognise you.

How do we use cookies?

We use cookies in various ways to improve your experience on our sites or apps (“site”), including by:

  • Keeping you signed in when you have an account
  • Understanding how you are interacting with our site
  • Showing you content that is relevant to you
  • Showing you FOOTBALLNEWS.SCOT products and services that are relevant and interesting to you
  • Working with partners to deliver to you relevant and interesting advertising

Ultimately, this allows us to publish the content that you read on our site and create the products and services we have on offer.

In the next sections, we explain in more about how cookies and similar technologies on our site may be useful, and when and where you can control them.

First-party and third -party cookies

There are different types of cookies:

  • First-party cookies – cookies that are set by the FOOTBALLNEWS.SCOT when you use our site
  • Third-party cookies – cookies that are set by an organisation other than FOOTBALLNEWS.SCOT when you use our site. Some FOOTBALLNEWS.SCOT web pages may also carry content from other sites which may set their own cookies. If you share a link to a FOOTBALLNEWS.SCOT page, the service you share it on may set a cookie on your web browser.

What types of cookies do we use?

We may use four types of cookies:

  • Strictly Necessary – cookies that are essential to provide you with services you have requested, which means they cannot be switched off through any privacy settings link. For example, these include the cookies that make it possible for you to stay logged into any FOOTBALLNEWS.SCOT account and make comments. If you set your browser to block these cookies, then these functions and services will not work for you. In particular, we won’t be able to save your preferences about cookies.
  • Performance – cookies which measure how often you visit our sites and how you use them. We use this information to get a better sense of how our users engage with our journalism and to improve our sites and apps, so that users have a better experience. For example, we collect information about which of our pages are most frequently visited, and by which types of users. We also use third-party cookies to help with performance.
  • Functionality – cookies that are used to recognise you and remember your preferences or settings when you return to our site, so that we can provide you with a more personalised experience. For example, if you are based in the United Kingdom, we will remember this and make sure that you receive the UK homepage when you visit our site. A mix of first-party and third-party cookies are used.
  • Advertising – cookies that are used to collect information about your visit to our site, including the content you have viewed, the links you have followed and information about your browser, device and your IP address. We have set out more details on this below.

How long do cookies last?

  • Session cookies – cookies that only last as long as your online session, and expire when you close your browser such as Internet Explorer or Safari
  • Persistent cookies – cookies that stay on your device after your browser has been closed and last for a time specified in the cookie (but not longer than 13 months). We use these cookies when we need to remember you for more than one browsing session, for instance to remember your preferences from one visit to the next.

Why advertising cookies are being used by us?

FOOTBALLNEWS.SCOT is funded by advertising to cover the costs of operating the Site. Our editorial content, products and/or services are not influenced by any of the advertising we display.

As more of our readers fund us directly there will be less need for any advertising– either by donations or buying products and services or one-off or regular monthly contributions. But to grow that number of supporters we may at times be reliant on marketing, and we may rely in part on advertising to fund our content, products and services. Therefore, cookies provide vital services to the FOOTBALLNEWS.SCOT without sacrificing our own independence or values.

How are cookies for advertising being used?

As you browse our site, some of the cookies and similar technology we place on your device may be for advertising, so we can understand what sorts of pages you read and are interested in. We can then display advertising on your browser based on these interests. For instance, if you have been reading a lot of food and drink articles, you may be shown more adverts for food and drink from others.

Any of our apps may integrate third-party software that provides us with information about how the app is used and what content you have viewed for the purposes of online advertising and analytics, in a similar way to our sites. It uses cookies from some of the providers listed in the Privacy settings, that can be found in the footer of every page on our site. The advertising techniques we use do not collect personal data such as your name, email address, postal address or phone number. We sometimes use information such as your IP address and browser type and also sometimes share some limited aspects of this with others for advertising purposes.

We may also allow other organisations to use cookies and other technology to help us analyse how our site is being used, measure the number of visitors to the site, and display advertising. To accomplish these goals, FOOTBALLNEWS.SCOT may make use of cookies, tags, pixels, and other web beacons to communicate information about you to others. While some of this data is only used on behalf of FOOTBALLNEWS.SCOT, we also may allow certain selected third parties to use cookies for advertising purposes.

How do third parties use cookies for advertising?

We may share and receive online data obtained via cookies and similar technology with our advertising partners. This means that when you are on another website, you may be shown advertising based on your internet browsing behavior on our sites. We may also show you advertising on our sites based on your browsing patterns on other sites that we have obtained from our advertising partners.

Online retargeting is another form of online advertising that allows us and some of our advertising partners to show you advertising based on your browsing patterns and interactions with different websites. The use of cookies may mean that when you are on another site, you may be shown advertising based on what you have looked at on our sites. For example, if you have visited the website of an online skateboard shop, you may start seeing adverts from that same shopping site displaying special offers or showing you the products you were browsing. This allows companies to advertise to you if you leave their website without making a purchase.

Other organisations also collect user information on our sites through cookies, tags and pixels. Tags and pixels, also known as web beacons, are similar to cookies but are collected via embedded images.

Social Media

There are times when we want to reach audiences who use social media to market our own products and services. We use cookies to help with this. For example, we may place a pixel on our web pages that allows Facebook to place cookies on FOOTBALLNEWS.SCOT. When a FOOTBALLNEWS.SCOT user who uses Facebook returns to Facebook from our sites, Facebook can identify them as part of a group of FOOTBALLNEWS.SCOT users and, on behalf of the FOOTBALLNEWS.SCOT, deliver them marketing messages from us. Based upon our agreements with these other companies, the data that can be obtained from a visit to FOOTBALLNEWS.SCOT is limited to the URL of the pages that were visited and, in some instances, the status of any unfinished or completed commercial transactions undertaken through us, together with the limited information a browser might pass on, such as its IP address.

In addition to the cookie controls that are set out below, if you are a Facebook user you can opt out by following this link.

How can you control advertising cookies?

You can exercise control over the described technology by clicking the Privacy settings link in the footer of our site.

How to manage cookies at FOOTBALLNEWS.SCOT

You can manage the use of cookies on our sites, including advertising cookies, and disable the sharing of data with partners for advertising purposes by clicking the Privacy settings link in the footer section of our site. This link is displayed in the footer of every page you view on our sites. These Privacy settings allow you to withdraw any given consent to placing cookies, or object to the use of data collected by cookies under legitimate interests option.

It’s also possible to stop your browser from accepting cookies entirely by changing your browser’s cookie settings. You can usually find these settings in the “options” or “preferences” menu of your browser. The following links may be helpful, or you can use the “Help” option in your browser. If you do this some features on our sites may not work as well as you expect.

Latest cookie policy update:

  • 17 August 2024

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